Are coffee prices really going up?

coffee gourmet coffee local roaster production small batch

You’ve heard the rumors – coffee prices are on the rise. According to Bloomberg, the price of Arabica beans is up 50% in just 1 year. That price rose quickly and the cost of Arabica beans is now at a seven-year high. Just when the last few years haven’t been hard enough, now it’s hitting our coffee!

Why now? Weather is a main reason. Both drought and frost have been damaging the coffee bean crops coming from South America. When you add problems with shipping, freight, and global supply chain issues, the result is higher prices for coffee. 

Local roasters and coffee houses have the biggest issue. They buy beans based on demand at current values instead of buying huge quantities when the price is low and filling warehouses. Customers get fresher beans from small businesses but also experience the potential of more price changes.

 The higher costing beans are hopefully a temporary issue as global economy is still dealing with pandemic issues and people get creative in solving problems. 

 For people who purchase coffee per cup, you might already see your favorite coffee house or truck increase prices, probably less than $1. Those of you buying bags of coffee, you might see that same increase of $1 per bag. While this makes us sad, it’s nowhere near the issues and price increases the auto industry is dealing with so there’s the glass being half full. 

If you’re feeling the price increase, here are few tips:

  1. Buy coffee in the bag and make it at home. Yes, it’s so great to buy coffee at a shop in those little warm cups, but it’s also much more expensive.  For the quickest way to start brewing at home, find a local coffee roaster and purchase ground coffee. If you want to up your at home brewing game a bit, there are inexpensive grinders available to try grinding your own beans.  Whole beans give you an even fresher cup of coffee and maybe even more of the smells you’re looking for.
  2. Look into less expensive beans and blends. Coffee grows all over the world and costs vary. Different beans, depending where they are grown and what kind of dirt they have, are more expensive than others.  Each has its own flavor and you can certainly develop a preference.  But if you are looking to cut costs for morning pot of coffee, look around and try a different type of bean.  South America beans might be less expensive than those coming from Asia.  Some roasters create blends which typically cost less because they mix more expensive beans with more cost-effective ones. 

When you buy coffee from local roasters and brew it at home, you get the most cost-effective way to get in all that caffeine.  You can handle those price changes because your price per cup is much less.  And there is so much great coffee out there, you don’t need to settle for stale, grocery store coffee.  Check prices of locally roasted coffee and you’ll find it’s comparable to many brands at the grocery store.  Plus, you can ask questions and work with them to find a variety of options you’ll enjoy. 

So go ahead and stress out about something other than coffee prices. 

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